When performing a set live or in another setting that requires switching between scenes in a fixed order, manually navigating Scenes and Presets can be cumbersome and error prone. Setlists solves this.
A Setlist is simply a list of Scenes which can be activated and in sequence, one after the other.
Switching to Setlist mode is done with the left footswitch when on the first page of the main Scene browser screen. The screen background will now turn purple, indicating the change in mode.
Initially the collection of setlists will be empty, so tap the empty tile with the plus sign to add a new setlist.
An empty setlist will appear.
Tap the empty setlist to open it. As this new setlist is still empty, it will open into the setlist editor which allows you to add and reorder scenes in the setlist.
Dragging a scene into the setlist is done by dragging the 6-dot icon on the scene entries into the list on the right.
Long pressing a scene that have been added to the setlist will enable reordering of scenes in the setlist.
When existing the setlist editor, the new setlist will be active and the first scene will be loaded up.
Performance and Navigation
Performing with Setlists is very similar to regular usage of Scenes and Presets. The primary difference is the additional layer of navigation between Scenes as well as some additional information on screen.
Pressing the left and right footswitches will flip between pages in the current Scene.
Pressing the left/right footswitches when on the first/last page of a Scene will switch to the previous/next Scene.
Long pressing the left and right footswitches will transition between Scenes, no matter which page is currently selected. Long presses are longer than 750ms.
When switching between Scenes, the current one first deactivates, including all presets, sequencers, etc., then the new Scene activates.
Extra long pressing the left footswitch will deactivate the current Scene and exit the Setlist, returning to the setlist browser screen. Extra long presses are longer than 1750ms.
MORTRIX User Manual